Sunday 18 September 2016

'Women, Activism and Reform' workshop on 19 November

On Saturday 19 November, the Women's Committee of the Economic History Society will hold its 27th Annual Workshop. This time, the event will be held at the Mining Institute in Newcastle upon Tyne. Our 'Histories of Activism' group members Sarah Hellawell and Laura O'Brien will speak at the workshop, and our associate member Nicole Robertson is the co-organiser of the event.

For further information, please contact Nicole Robertson or Anne Murphy. Please register by 4 November. You can access the document containing both the programme and the booking form via this link.  

Provisional programme

10:30 am     Registration and Coffee

11:00 am – 12:30 pm     Maternity and the Family
Katrina Navickas (University of Hertfordshire): ‘The impact of imprisonment of radical reformers on their families’ economic and political strategies of survival in early nineteenth-century England’
Diana Paton (University of Edinburgh): ‘Maternity as a site of struggle in the slavery-era British-colonized Caribbean’
Sarah Hellawell (Northumbria University): ‘“What women can do for peace”: maternal rhetoric used by the Women’s International League and the Women’s Co-operative Guild during the interwar years'

12:30 pm     Lunch 

1:20 pm – 1:45 pm     Guided Tour of the Mining Institute 

1:45 pm – 3:15 pm     Activism and the Individual
Laura O’Brien (Northumbria University): ‘“A duty to publish”: Marie d’Agoult and writing the history of revolution in nineteenth-century France’ 
Clare Midgley (Sheffield Hallam University): ‘Sophia Dobson Collet and feminist activism between Britain and India in the late nineteenth century’ 
Matt Perry (Newcastle University): ‘Ellen Wilkinson and the possibility of a social movement approach to biography’

3:15 pm     Coffee/Tea Break

3:45 pm – 5:15 pm     Women’s Organisations
Cathy Hunt (Coventry University): ‘“Doing each our duty for our common womanhood”: examining the realities of union activism in the National Federation of Women Workers 1906-21’
Joanne Darnley (Manchester Metropolitan University): ‘Co-operative women, gender identity and the everyday: a visual and material approach to the co-operative movement in interwar Britain’
Pamela Schievenin (University of Glasgow): ‘Challenging traditional views on women’s work: women’s organisations and welfare reform in post-war Italy’  

5:30 pm    Closing Remarks